Louis Kohn


My name is Louis Kohn. Chances are if you’re here that’s because you knew me as either “Dracokon” or some flavor of “AndrĂ© Louis Kon”. For a fleeting period of time in the late 2000’s and into the beginning of the 2010’s I was a notable personality within the furry fandom. I wrote stories intended for adult audiences. I was also the community administrator of the website Herpy.net from approximately 2009 until its closure in 2016. For all intents and purposes I am a literal nobody, however I was unceremoniously thrust into the spotlight when the stories I wrote gained significant traction. Because of this attention I wound up making connections with a lot of people, not all of them respectable. I made several poor choices regarding the company I kept and because of this things reached a boiling point in 2017 and I chose to leave the fandom on January 1, 2018.

On New Years Day in 2018 my resolution was to seize control of the downward spiral that was my life at the time. For approximately a decade I’d maintained a presence in the furry fandom and the volatility of the community wasn’t doing my mental health any favors. I chose to erase myself from the internet completely. I did such an impressive job disappearing that people whom I was once close with assumed I’d committed suicide. The fact that none of them bothered to start a search for me or draw any attention to my sudden disappearance though highlights how much of a disposable commodity notable people in the furry fandom are seen as.

In case you missed the message that was on this website for the past half decade I talked about how I made some personal mistakes at a very young age (18-19) and I was taken advantage of and groomed by people much older than me into being a useful idiot for producing pornographic content that any normal person would find disagreeable. Today the idea of people being “groomed” on social media and instant messenger is a widespread problem however in 2007 it hadn’t reached the epidemic proportions that we see now. I didn’t know the signs to look for, I was an easy mark.

It’s been over half a decade since I abandoned this community. When I arrived in 2007 I was compelled into thinking that popularity was what I wanted. Ten years later I wanted nothing more than to be completely forgotten. More time has passed and now that my head is clear my stance on the matter is that I simply want to be remembered, I want the story of what happened to me to be known. I want the lessons I had to learn the hard way to be recorded and documented for everyone else out there to see so perhaps the next up and coming starry-eyed furry being groomed to participate in disgusting acts can find this website and turn their life around before they ruin it the way I did.

I lost the majority of my adult youth because of the furry fandom and I have absolutely nothing to show for it. I thought I was hot shit and what wound up happening to me is I was courted by zoophiles and raped by a person I trusted. Actual “I was fucked in the ass without a condom until I bled” rape. No good came of my participation in this community and I assure you, the person reading this right now, no good will come of your participation either. Depending upon how deep down the rabbit hole you’ve gone you’ll probably disregard what I’ve said but there will come a day in your life when you’ll realize I was right. The best time to make a positive change in your life was yesterday, but the second best time is today.

I don’t really have a “grudge” against the fandom itself or anyone in it so to speak, I just have a wholly negative opinion of the community floor to ceiling. It’s so far gone from what it was when I joined in the early 2000’s. It’s disgusting. Irredeemable. I’ve done a lot of growing in the years following my departure and looking at the sorry state of the community now there’s an extremely high likelihood that you and I will have absolutely nothing in common. Socially, economically, and especially politically you and I are separated by a chasm that you will not cross until you’ve been wronged like I was. Because of this I’m probably going to espouse opinions and thoughts in my recollections here that you’ll find “problematic”. I genuinely and emphatically don’t care in the slightest. Everything the contemporary furry fandom stands for is but a celebration of unrequited hedonism and the desire to not just participate in taboo behavior but actively relish in its depravity.

I care not about my posthumous reputation within the furry fandom. This website is now a repository of my genuine thoughts and opinions on an era of my life that I deeply regret. I’m beyond done with allowing the fear and paranoia that I developed because of what happened to me between 2007 – 2017 control my life; I’m nearly 40, this shit’s pathetic. I owe nothing to anyone.